Weddings, Funerals and baptisms

Special Occassions at FUMC

Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms at FUMC

Weddings, funerals and baptisms are performed in the Sanctuary of our church. Arrangements for any of these activities should be made through the church office and in consultation with one of the pastors.

Funerals performed at the church take precedence over all other scheduled activities.

Helpful Information about Weddings


As you plan for your wedding, it is our prayer that God, the Giver of Life and Love, will bless your lives as you look forward to the vows you will take in the very presence of God. First United Methodist Church is pleased to assist couples as they prepare for their weddings and as they prepare for their marriage. Please contact the church office to schedule your wedding. You may either call us at (319) 337-2857 or use the contact us form.

  • Members are given first consideration for wedding dates
  • The church staff will ask you to complete a wedding schedule information sheet and make a deposit on the facility fee.
  • A minister from FUMC will officiate at all weddings held in our Sanctuary. If you desire a guest minister to participate in the ceremony, please discuss this first with the lead or associate pastor, and FUMC’s pastor will extend an invitation to the guest minister.
  • One of the Services of Christian Marriage from the United Methodist Book of Worship will be used. In addition to helping to plan the wedding, the minister will meet with the couple for pre-marriage counseling.
  • Other FUMC staff who will be involved with planning your wedding are the church organist, a wedding coordinator, and the wedding custodian. To honor their time, the church will be opened three hours prior to the ceremony to allow the wedding party to dress and to decorate the Sanctuary.
  • At the time that a wedding is scheduled at the church, the couple will be provided with the First United Methodist Church Wedding Booklet which explains FUMC’s wedding policies and procedures.