Mission & Outreach
Grow Through ServiceGrow in your faith by helping others within our church and our community.
Service Opportunities within our Church
There are many Service Opportunities within our church. We need folks to help before, during, and after each of our services, as well as the rest of the week. Come help others grow in their faith and life. Come grow in yours as well.
Service Opportunities in Our Community, our Country and our World
Crop Walk
A team of members from our congregation participates in each Johnson County CROP Walk. CROP Walks happen locally but speak globally: to help raise funds for Hunger projects and to increase awareness of the issues of Hunger.
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world.
Free Lunch
The Free Lunch group prepares and serves a free lunch at the Wesley Center in Iowa City from 11:00AM – 02:00PM: on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Habitat for Humanity
Working with Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity, this team raises funds and recruits volunteers to build low cost, reliable housing for low-come families. Also, we are creating a weekend work project – called Helping Hands – to assist in the Iowa City area with home repairs with our ‘Mission RRR’ funds.
Project Holiday
The Project Holiday group sets-up and maintains a display in our Gathering Space to encourage and solicit members’ support of the Salvation Army’s Project Holiday. Project Holiday helps to provide gifts for children in the Iowa City area.
Recycling Team
Our Recycling Team collects recycled material from our recycling boxes in the church and takes the material to the recycling center.
Service and organized by local congregations or groups to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world.
Thanksgiving Ingathering
Each year, our Thanksgiving Ingathering group gathers purchases which they then compile into school, health, sewing and other kits to be taken to the November “Ingathering” at Iowa Wesleyan College: in Mt. Pleasant. These kits are then used for projects of UMCOR (the United Methodist Committee on Relief) and the ‘Iowa – Nigeria Partnership’.
ToGather Together
Winter Outerwear
Each fall, our Winter Outerwear Distribution group collects and distributes new and gently-used ‘school-appropriate’ clothing for children and youth ranging from Preschool through High School. This group also collects winter outerwear for all ages: including infants.
Appalachia Service Project
Each summer, the Appalachia Service Project team travels to the central Appalachian Mountains to work on making homes “warmer, drier and safer” as part of the larger Appalachia Service Project. During the rest of the year, the team raises funds to support the next year’s work by sponsoring a once-a-month smorgasbord. 2013 marked the group’s 35th consecutive year.
Table of Grace: Serving Our Neighbors
Table of Grace provides a free homemade meal to the unhoused and people with food insecurities on the fourth Sunday of each month at the United Methodist Student Center from 3:00PM-5:00PM. For more information, please contact the church office.